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Calculum x BCR

Revolutionizing Receivables and Payables with Artificial Intelligence

February 15, 2024
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4 min

Calculum Inc

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March 5, 2020
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The financial services industry is buzzing with talk of artificial intelligence (AI), and its potential to transform various financial solutions, including receivables and payables finance.

Michael Bickers, from BCR meets with Karel Krejčí, VP Sales Europe, Calculum,  an innovative working capital platform powered by AI and predictive analytics, to dive into the potential impact of AI on this crucial domain.

How is AI transforming risk management?

Karel:  AI algorithms are rapidly changing the landscape of risk assessment within receivables and payables finance. These algorithms analyze vast amounts of data, including financial statements, credit history, and behavioral patterns, to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers with greater accuracy and efficiency. This empowers lenders to make informed lending decisions, minimizing the risk of defaults and losses.

Beyond credit assessment, how can AI be used for fraud detection and collateral valuation?

Karel: The application of AI extends beyond credit assessment. AI can have a crucial role in fraud detection, including identifying suspicious activity within payables transactions like fake invoices or false identities. This capability significantly reduces fraud losses and protects both lenders and customers. Additionally, AI helps in accurate collateral valuation, ensuring informed credit decisions based on reliable asset analysis.

What are some of the challenges and opportunities when it comes to AI adoption?

Karel: While AI presents an array of benefits, there are indeed some challenges associated with its adoption. Data quality and availability are crucial for accurate AI models, and certain geographical limitations in data sharing can hinder optimal performance. Additionally, the need for comprehensive training and a clear implementation plan with defined objectives is essential for maximizing the benefits of AI solutions.

Is there advice for professionals in trade finance looking at embracing AI?

Karel: For trade finance professionals looking to integrate AI into their operations, I would highlight the importance of finding solutions with robust data capabilities and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. 

Compatibility with existing internal tools and thorough training for personnel are also key factors for successful implementation. Ultimately, a well-defined plan with specific objectives for utilizing AI is crucial for reaping the rewards of this transformative technology.

As AI continues to evolve and become more accessible, its impact on the trade finance landscape is bound to be profound, and businesses that embrace this technology stand to gain a significant competitive edge.

What are some of the future outcomes when looking at AI?

Karel: This technology has the potential to revolutionize the entire sector, leading to greater efficiency, accuracy, and risk management capabilities. 

When it comes to working capital management specifically, expect optimized cash flow forecasting, dynamic payment terms optimization and negotiation, and advanced fraud detection. 

AI will also revolutionize inventory management, personalize supplier financing, and make working capital solutions more accessible to smaller businesses. 

Ultimately, AI promises greater efficiency, resilience, and financial stability for all.

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