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Calculum Inc
Calculum Inc
Our media pack is available for download and contains the Calculum logos and company information. If you’d like to receive our press releases, organise an interview, and collaborate on a content piece, please contact us.
London, UK; Miami, FL – 11th March2025 – ETR Digital, a leading London-based technology firm specializing in unlockingworking capital, and Calculum, a US-based pioneer in AI-powered financialsupply chain analytics, today announced a strategic partnership to assistcorporates in releasing trapped working capital and improving cash conversioncycles, through payment terms analytics and the adoption of Digital NegotiableInstruments (DNIs).
Combining the power of Calculum’s AI supplychain analytics platform with ETR Digital’s DNI technology, corporates can nowevaluate and act on unlocking working capital in a simple, easy to consume way.
Calculum’s ADA Platform allows organizationsto compare themselves with their competitors. With the web-based platformleveraging artificial intelligence, companies can analyze all their suppliers’payment terms, cost of debt, sustainability, metrics, and seize all thenecessary arguments to negotiate more favorable terms.
“Calculum is excitedto join forces with ETR Digital,” said Karel Krejci, Head of Working CapitalAdvisory Excellence at Calculum. “Together, we will empower businesses tounlock the full potential of their financial supply chains and achievesustainable growth.”
ETR Digital’s easy toadopt technology generates highly secure, referenceable, transferable andenforceable DNIs, which enable corporates to improve their Cash ConversionCycles, by releasing trapped working capital, whilst embedding supply chainresilience.
Digital bills ofexchange and promissory notes can be used by both corporates and financialinstitutions for growth and value creation and have gained attention as asolution to sweep aside long-standing inefficiencies in trade and supply chainfinance.
“We are delighted topartner with Calculum. The powerful combination of their AI technology and ourDNI application represents, for the first time ever, a transformationaloffering for Corporate Treasurers globally.” said Dominic Broom, CEO of ETRDigital.
About ETR Digital:
ETR Digital Ltdspecialises in enabling corporates to improve working capital and theirfinancial KPIs, through the creation and implementation of Digital NegotiableInstruments. For more information, please visit https://etr.digital